Owers Warwick Architects have been working closely with Mission Street to develop a site in Foxton. The scheme repurposes the currently redundant elements of the Arts and Crafts Burlington Press into offices and laboratories. The team has taken care to retain and upgrade the existing fabric .
The plans for the site include replacing some of the existing industrial 1970s sheds with new, state-of-the-art laboratories and offices to serve the vibrant Cambridge life-science market. The new building comprises a brick and glass base with a timber first floor. The entrance atrium, which helps break up some of the building mass, is a connection between the new public square and the rural views beyond. The building is set into a beautifully designed landscape and will include a new community café, cycle centre and enhanced environment for Foxton’s war memorial.
“The goal of our proposals is to define a new future for the Burlington Press so that it can contribute positively to the local area. We’re aiming to breathe fresh life into the characterful Burlington Press buildings and, recognising the important balance between innovation and heritage, the plans will replace the unattractive 1970s buildings to the rear with contemporary, high quality and sustainable modern workspace.”
Colin Brown, Development Director at Mission Street
The client’s brief is to create as sustainable campus as possible. Sustainability has been at the heart of the design process and underpinned each design move. Careful analysis has been undertaken to minimise embodied energy whilst ensuring we also minimise energy in use.
Existing site plan
Proposed Site Plan
Using glazed atrium and landscaping to create transition from village to rural
Public Square and cafe at heart of scheme, with formal and informal outdoor spaces woven into landscape
Massing broken into three distinct wings