Owers Warwick Architects are the architectural technical advisor for Airbus’s new headquarters building. From our close collaboration with Airbus we were then commissioned to design a new test cell.
The brief is for a functional, industrial building and this is reflected in its architectural expression. The proposals are for a building that is made of two parts – the test cell, which will be made from textured concrete and a loading bay which will be made from a steel structure and clad in translucent poly carbonate cladding panels. The front of the building will emit low levels of light at night and show movement within during the day. The juxtaposition of the solid concrete base building with the lightweight entrance we believe will help create a simple, elegant yet utilitarian building.
At roof level there will be a lightweight balustrade, set back to allow roof access for maintenance.
At the rear of the building, at ground floor and set into the embankment will be a plant room that services the building. This will be clad in a metal plant screen. Above this plant room, and at the level of the car park is small control room. This building will be constructed from block and brick with a flat roof. The brick will match tonally the existing brick on site.