There are fewer more difficult sites to develop in the UK than this 6 hectare post-industrial wasteland in East London. The site is highly contaminated, having been occupied for over 100 years by a chemical works, and is disconnected from its surroundings as a result of the surrounding infrastructure.
“The Riverine Centre will stand as a beacon of excellence: as a piece of world-class architecture; as an expression of genuine civic pride for Newham; as a notable example of much-needed private-sector, community-led regeneration; and as a potent symbol of our tolerant and welcoming society.”
C.Boyle QC
Channel Sea River to the East, the tube line to the south and a raised sewer to the north east effectively isolate the triangular site. Our masterplan for a mixed-use scheme centred around a large mosque attempts to stitch the area into its surroundings. Proposals include the provision of 291 apartments, an enterprise centre, Islamic library, refectory and a mosque for a congregation of 9500. New vehicular links are proposed across Manor Road and under the tube line. Pedestrian links anticipate the arrival of the FAT walk.
“Given the physical stature of the building, the intelligence of the architectonic solution, the grace and subtlety of the architectural language and the pallet of proposed materials and detailing, [we] can be confident that this is a building which will, justifiably, rank itself with the major religious buildings of Europe.”
C.Boyle QC